Sunday, May 11, 2014

I Will Always Remember

Dear Mother,

I remember painting a portrait of you, and how frustrated I was that my stubby child hands and old brush couldn't manage to capture your beauty. I remember the vivid image of your face, and the sloppy paint blotches on the paper. I remember you still liked the picture anyway.
 I remember getting in a tussle with a girl in day care, because we both wanted to pick the prettiest flower for our mothers. I lost. I remember you waking up me  up in the morning and taking me to grandmas. I now realize how difficult that must of been. I remember the countless sleep overs in your room. I remember sleeping well those nights, even though you snore. I remember when I barfed in your hands, and I was sure that was what true love was.  Because why else would any one be crazy enough to let another person barf in their hands? I remember when I broke your glass doll with my red bouncy ball. and I was so scared to tell you. but I remember most clearly that you told me it was okay. I remember the promise you made me that day. that as long as I told the truth, you would never get mad. and you still keep that promise. I remember when I told you grandma was my favorite, and I need to make it clear that YOU are my ultimate favorite.  I remember I would stand amazed when you could read my scribbled writing, because I knew I spelled it wrong. but you were smart enough to figure out what I was trying to spell. You are so smart. You're like a code reader. A mind reader. The reader of my heart. You still somehow piece together my sloppy words and know exactly what I'm trying to say. I remember being the two tooter scooters. I remember long naps in the back of the car, knowing when I woke up we would be somewhere awesome. I remember you told me if I got car sick to either look straight ahead, or take a nap. In fact, those tips seem applicable to life. I remember soaking your shirts with giant alligator tears. I remember later on when those alligator tears would be blackened with mascara. I remember the stains on your shirt where the last of your worries. I remember my friends growing meaner, but you never did. I remember the world got bitter, but you never did. I remember the unrealistic standers set on my back, but you never were part of that load. I remember I cried when I got my first C+ but you told me that it was okay, because I was trying my best. I remember us picking the neighbors cherries in the night. I remember the highlight of each summer was mommy daughter week. I still know the excitement of mommy daughter dates. those are the best kinds of dates. know why? Because boys are stupid dates. because I remember when a boy handed me my broken heart, with a Roxberry on the side. and I remember you glued it back together again. I remember you sang the song 'favorite things' to stop my crying.I remember wetzel's pretzels. I remember french toast. I remember my 16th birthday. I remember Disney Land is so much funner with you. I remember you sitting on the bleachers. I remember you telling me I'm a beautiful writer. I remember the confidence you lit in my heart. I remember my snappy come backs, and how they never received sass in return. I remember reassuring you that its okay to ground me, because you  struggle with punishing me. I remember I got out of that punishment the next day. But it's okay, because I remember guilt punished me more then any physical punishment could ever do.
I will always remember the color green. I will always remember the lyrics to the musicals. I will always remember your love. I will always remember your strength. I remember when I was small, seeing you cry was rare. I remember how it's not as rare anymore. I remember you watching the ones you love in pain. I remember watching you in pain. But still I remember your strength. I remember how scary it was to picture you in a wedding dress again. but I remember you were more beautiful then anything I could describe. I remember chipmunk cheeks. I remember funniest home videos, and how your laugh is funnier then the videos. I remember story time, and we couldn't skip a single page, because each second with was priceless.
 I hope you remember I love you. I hope you remember the sassy come backs aren't on purpose. I hope you remember the tears weren't meant to make you sad. I hope you remember that your my favorite Disney princess. because you are way stronger then all of them put together. I  hope you remember I want to be like you went I grow up. Because I remember all of this and so much more.
I remember trying to write poems about you. and how frustrated I was that my bony teenage hands and dull pencil couldn't manage to capture your beauty. I remember the vivid memories of pure love, and my sloppy sentences on the paper. I remember you still liked it anyways.

Happy Mothers Day!
To my best friend, and my unmovable rock.
I Love You Mom!


  1. I love your mom. And I love you. This is beautiful. Hands down beautiful. Absolutely wonderful. I threw up once on a plane and my dad caught it with his hands.

  2. This is fantastic. Whoa. Yes. Fantastic.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love you too I Icarus! haha, that's sweet your dad caught your barf too ;) I read this to my mom, and we both cried!

    Thank you too Suzy!

  5. This is in my top 5. I loved this idea. Maybe I will go write one of these for my mom. So many lines were quotable i cant even possibly write them all. This was well worth the time It took the time.

  6. Wow. So good. I think you just broke my heart. I really need to write something like this for my mother. So amazing.

  7. Okay. Crying. So good. So heartfelt. So true of how mothers are.
    also "I remember when a boy handed me my broken heart, with a Roxberry on the side." was probably the most clever thing and I'm in love with it.
