Sunday, February 16, 2014

Broken Knees

My knees are broken.
They couldn't bare the weight of my fatigued body anymore. and it didn't help when you kicked them. it didn't help when you pushed me down. Thanks anyway.

My hands are bleeding.
That happened when I fell. When I fell and you didn't catch me. When I fell and you didn't care.

My body is bruised
My body is blue. I'm pretty sure that came from you. Why did you kick me when I was down? Why did you hit me so hard? Were my broken knees and bleeding hands not enough?
You bashed and battered me to bits.

My knees are broken
My hands are bleeding

My knees are broken, but I will still pray
My hands are bleeding, but I will still give

My knees are broken, but still I will stand
My hands are bleeding, but still I will hold on

My knees are broken, but still I will run
My hands are bleeding, but still I will write

My body is bruised, but my Spirit is Strong


  1. This was good. Very, very good. And I liked it. Very, very much.

  2. I literally cried when I read, "My knees are broken, but I will still pray"

    sooooooooo goooooooooooooooood

  3. "it didn't help when you kicked them. it didn't help when you pushed me down. Thanks anyway." this seriously felt like a kick to my heart
    ouch, man
    loved this
