Monday, March 3, 2014

Bricks and Words

Bricks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. 
Bricks and stones will bruise my body, tear my skin and could probably freaking kill me. 
And the seemingly harmless words?
Those will bruise my thoughts, tear my confidence and could probably freaking kill me.
But whats weird is those same things could be used for good.. if you wanted.
Bricks and stones could build a strong homes, guide the river and provide safety. 
Now that sounds better.
Words could build strong souls, guide the lost, and provide safety.
I guess its all on how you use it.
So be careful with that brick in your hand. That heavy load could have more then one outcome. It's all about How you use it. It might require more work to construct something. It's easier to toss it around carelessly. But tossing it will eventually get tiring. And before you know it, you could cause a lot of damage. 
So be careful with that brick in your hand.
Bricks and stones may break my bones, and words can hurt me.. too.
Bricks and words. 
Words and bricks.
Same thing.


  1. "How do I get noticed?"

    This is a real question. Thank you for asking it. I wish I knew the answer.

    Keep writing. Keep reading. Keep commenting. Keep writing.

    BTW, I liked this post. The potential for good and bad in the same thing. Like all of us.

  2. youve made me cry. thanks babe.

  3. Love this. How you took the commonly known saying and changed it so it's true now.
